
Waterfall in to green pasture

New Year, New Life, New You

Yes, 2022 is the start of a new year. And as is customary with a new year comes new resolutions. Resolutions that usually fizzle out after as little as 2-3 weeks. What gives??? Recently, I read a very short Q & A around New Year’s resolutions, in which there were three questions, and the author wrote a very brief, albeit very abstract and hard to understand, answer to these questions.

What Is Be Well, Be Safe, Be Happy, Eat Ice Cream?

Welcome to Be Well, Be Safe, Be Happy, Eat Ice Cream and the start of something very special, a journey that is to become a new and better version of you. A version where you are living life to the fullest and every day is a new and grand adventure. A version where you are living life on your terms, you get to be the one in the driver’s seat, you get to be the one to call the shots regarding your own life.